Short Stories


William Baer’s fiction has been awarded a Creative Writing Grant from the National Endowment for the Arts. He is the author of two collections of short stories: Times Square and Other Stories and One-and-Twenty Tales. His short stories have been published in numerous literary journals and magazines, including The Iowa Review, Kansas Quarterly, Mississippi Valley Review, and The Dalhousie Review.



Times Square and Other Stories (Able Muse Press)

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“How wonderful to come across such a serious collection of short stories!  Not “serious” as in boring and tendentious; but serious as in grown-up, broadminded, large-hearted, sharply observed, and dryly, obliquely funny.  Bill Baer’s fiction kicks ass.” – Pinckney Benedict

William Baer’s twice-measured fictions, channel the reflecting reflections of James and Borges back into our self-conscious consciousness.  I loved this book; it can’t help but blurb itself!” – Michael Martone

one_and_twentyOne-and-Twenty Tales (Mockingbird Lane Press)

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“With these brilliant and profoundly affecting short tales, William Baer resurrects the long-lost art of clearly and gracefully telling deeply meaningful stories of engaging, memorable, and purposeful plots with themes of enduring moral virtue.  His clarity of thought and historical perspective places him in the tradition of Chekhov’s masterful characterizations, of Tolstoy’s truthful parables, and of Gogol’s vision of justice and redemption.  One-and-Twenty Tales is a truly astonishing accomplishment in which the author reinvigorates the beauty and wisdom of the great storytelling tradition and the enduring wisdom of our cultural past.  These stories, both realistic and redeeming, are timeless and true, and in reading them we are uplifted intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually.  Bravo!” – Samuel Maio